Charles Raynal

I was a member of the first BD class that Pat Miller taught at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond in 1966.  The course was on the names and nature of God in the Old Testament.  For me his class was a model of wonderful teaching.  He loved the material. He taught with an eye to church members’ questions he heard in the pastorate: God as warrior, violence in Israel’s claim of Canaan, polygamy,  as examples.  His lectures were lively. He was interested in what students were thinking and learning.  Pat’s personal wisdom and integrity outside the classroom were clear.  When the PCUS was troubled and reluctant about addressing racism, Pat spoke clearly and acted on deep conviction for Civil Rights.  He was a leader in The Fellowship of Concern, convened to support ministers who were forced to leave their churches.  When a group of prominent Southern Presbyterian pastors and members were moving toward the founding of a break away denomination, he supported Aubrey Brown as editor of The Presbyterian Outlook and its call for ecumenical unity.  On a particular occasion when I was troubled, he showed he cared and responded to my specific concern. I am sad at Pat’s death.  It is in such a sense of loss that I aspire to learn anew "God is our refuge and strength” and "The Lord is my shepherd” from the Psalms, which he loved and taught so well.  

Charlie Raynal


Rev. Dr. Steven B. Miller


David M. Dobson, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation