Elizabeth Boone McLean

My first semester at PTS (fall 1988), I turned in my first OT paper. A couple of days later, he handed it back to me and said, “You would never have turned this in at Davidson. Go rewrite it and then I will grade it.”

He was absolutely correct. I’d dashed off some drivel and turned it in. I hadn’t given it the thought and energy the paper deserved. I rewrote it and have never again turned in something I dashed off.

I have no idea what the paper was about or what grade i got. I do remember the lesson he really wanted me to learn: scripture deserves my best because God desires my best.

I give thanks for his witness and care. He was an incredible gift to our world.

Praying for you and your family.

Elizabeth Boone McLean
Pastor, 1st Presbyterian Church
Austin, TX


Andy Vaughn


Charles Davidson